Tkinter move to coordinates. I have a Drone class with position and velocity in np.
Tkinter move to coordinates. My problem is simple: When I use e.
- Tkinter move to coordinates So far I have this to get the coordinates of the mouse: def mouseCoords(self): rawMouseX, rawMouseY = tk. com where he teaches over 100,000 students how to code! He founded one of the Internet's earliest advertising networks and sold In order to fix your issue with movenent you will need to use the global statement to let the function know the variables you are trying to work with are in the global namespace. You can use . These coordinates are screencoordinates from the window. How can I find Here is a code snippet that will display the current mouse position in canvas coordinates. canvasx (event. Assuming it is a straight line, you should get two points. We will use four function to move the item in four different directions. Tk() Yes it is possible and pretty easy once you understand tkinter, here's a quick script: from Tkinter import * from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename import Image, ImageTk if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() #setting up a tkinter canvas with scrollbars frame = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN) frame. To fix this, I've used the . I tried to use this approach. I would like to populate the boxes with text. But I want to. Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. g. – Bryan Oakley Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 1:48 I am using tk in python (3), though I'd assume that this applies to any language. Button(self. y_root this will return the mouse position of the desktop, not the Tkinter window. backends. Use item = canvas. pack() line = canvas. We placed four buttons and each button will This time we are going to show how to draw a rectangle on the canvas object in a tkinter window with the function move. canvas = Canvas(master, )What you should do is also put the Canvas in self and then pack the Frame into the master window using . exe", ]) # Need a delay here to allow it to start so time. winfo_pointery() self. I am looking to get the current x, y coordinates of a tk window outside of the title bar: import tkinter root = tkinter. Here is an example of a frame with a button inside that moves when you click the button. How to get the Tkinter widget's current x and y coordinates - Tkinter is widely used to create GUI based applications. John is the CEO of Codemy. Pack. Is there a better way as to delete the line and create Moving a Tkinter widget to a specific coordinates and changing the text of a text widget. There's the less well known place geometry manager. That is the part in red in the explanation image. create_line(a,b,a+1,b+1,fill=pyList[a][b])#where pyList is a matrix of hexadecimal strings A. grid(row=1, column=1) However I would use the . On mouse click on canvas image, I could get the mouse-click coordinates and display them in the console from the respective function (. So far my code is: Any help with existing code or ideas to move forward would be great. One of them is corresponds to the object that didn't move. You can use x,y with place() but then rather you shouldn't use other managers which calculate position automatically and they may have problem when you put something manually using pack(). import tkinter as tk root = tk. y) to generate the correct values. Tk() however, using root. canvas. move(item, 10, I'm working on a toy project to learn the basics of tkinter. canvas. player1, 0, -50) Share Improve this answer I have a form (in . . try: import tkinter as tk # python 3 from tkinter import font as tkfont # python 3 except ImportError: import Tkinter as tk # python 2 import tkFont as tkfont # python 2 class SampleApp(tk. 5) # Get the active window np = pyautogui. getActiveWindow() # Move it np. Tk(className = "Battle Ship Game" ) screen. The positions are floats between 0 and 1 , then multiplied by the height/width. In python docs just using of side is mentioned. My code for polygons: import How to get the coordinates of an object in a Tkinter canvas - Tkinter Canvas Widget provides GUI features to an application. position() In case you want to save various positions, add an on-click event. So far so good, we can know when we are moving and where we are. Add a Personally, I prefer to use pyautogui, even in combination with Tkinter. This guide covers the essential steps and code examples to help you easily manipu import tkinter as tk root = tk. S, text = "00|00") frame. bind('<Return>', go_to_next_entry) # or, if you are familiar with lambdas, simply: # e1. You need to save the return value of the create_image to pass it to the move method. If I create a new item that overlaps an old item, It will be in front. My goal is to make a simple log in screen. To do this, I am using tkinter to display the form on the screen, I then use the mouse (with finer positioning using arrow keys) to get the pixel coordinates of a box, then use PIL to write text to that box. from tkinter import * root = Tk() button = Button(root, text="Placeholder") button. move(widget,x,y) widget: Item to move on canvas x: Jump or step value in right direction( - value for left side movement) y: Jump of step value in down direction ( - value for Up side movement) On click of the button we execute the function my_move(), inside this function we will use move() to shift the rectangle r1 in right-down direction. delete(item). One way to work around that limitation in this case would be to use its universal after() widget method to schedule periodic checks of the serial port for input. pack() root. For "zooming", would you use something like I 've started experiencing Python very recently, moving from Matlab. app = I have searched a lot but, I couldnt find the exact answer whats I need ( or I couldnt understand properly ). Then lets remove the init_window method as its redundant here. It is not limited to Tkinter app, but works on the whole screen, even on dual screen configuration. You can use coords to change the coordinates (which can both move and resize the object), move to move an item a relative distance in the x and y direction, moveto to move the item to an absolute position. I'm working on a simple tkinter game, and have run into a problem. Increase the y coordinates to move in down direction. I know original question is about Tkinter. Follow answered Aug 6, 2015 at 16:20. from tkinter import * #Create an instance of tkinter frame win = Tk() #Set the geometry of Tkinter frame win. For example for i in range(5): canvas. find_overlapping(coord) to find the object at that location, then delete it using canvas. To use the place geometry manager, you call the place() method on the widget like this: In absolute positioning, you specify the Increase the y coordinates to move in down direction. move() function to move our canvas object using x and y coordinates that we’ll define. Also lets add a counter so when we reach 3 clicks the program stops marking the map and removes the button bind. LabelFrame(root, labelanchor = tk. Tk() frame = tkinter. Note that the button is In a game I am making I need to store a list of x and y coordinates but the list only stores the last iteration. forget_grid() label1. grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) The other point has not moved. I would like to move a whole tkinter Canvas with Mouse Click (hold) + Motion of the mouse. Your main issue will be translating from the coordinates used in your data file to canvas plot coordinates with x and y in their respective ranges, with y increasing down. I have to write a class that gets the cursor position and I have absolutely no idea where to start. In general, you should only use 1 geometry manager within a container widget. Share Improve this answer Importantly, as one of the comments suggests, the button is moving every time you hover over it, so your code was in fact correct. At the moment all it does is show the first case, and I don't think I'm putting the top. 7 winfo_rootx() and winfo_rooty() return the coordinates relative to the screen's upper left corner. First line has points (0,0), (1,1), (2,2) and (3,3) which is outside of canvas. If y < -height then object left screen and you can move it to start position. I tried with canvas. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. I want to be able to move an image to a random spot on the screen when you click on it, but what I thought would work hasn't. winfo_y() functions (which allow to turn the relative coordinates into absolute ones), and the Button-1 In case you just want to do a simple jumping animation where the rectangle goes up and down again, just use physics: Define a gravitational pull and an initial vertical velocity and then loop until the ground is reached again: scrollregion has nothing to do with the origin. Get position in tkinter Text widget. I made a simple function that runs every time you click the button. Tk): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): tk. You can conform this by giving x=0 and y=0 to The only way to track your window by moving is by a binding to '<Configure>', this event is fired when you move the window. move(self. place(x=0, y=0) root. Using: from tkinter import * We’ll kick off with learning the functions used in this project: In the above shift() function, we get the coordinates of the text and move it 2 places in the negative X direction, if the text end reaches the frame First, you have to bind to the "<Motion>" event, which will fire every time the mouse moves. Lets move the imgClick function into the class so we can take advantage of class attributes easier. focus_set() # focus_set() switches the focus to the new widget e1. But you can't skip (3,3) and (3,-1) because create_line doesn't Using random you can move it randomly. from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Button, W, E import random from math import pi, sin, cos from cointoss import * class FlipBell(object): """ GUI to simulate cointoss. Tkinter create_line problem: wrong # coordinates: expected an even number. 0 Moving an object (square) using tkinter in python. Also, I try using e. In this example, three labels are positioned diagonally using x,y coordinates. Modified 9 years, 2 months ago. If you want to move an object on the Canvas, try this: Try this: # In Python 3. geometry('+x+y'). But when I try to use a loop to move the oval it shows up at the final position. moveto(object, new_x, new_y)` # like what @JacksonPro pointed out. Modified 8 years, 1 month ago. I am trying to us I have a Tkinter Canvas widget (Python 2. Bryan Oakley Bryan Oakley. In my code there are 1 rectangle, 8 lines. The behavior you're observing is caused by the fact that the event's coordinates are relative to the dragged widget. png format) with blank text boxes (usually filled out by hand). move(oval, 10, 0) it moves the oval +50 and then shows up Tkinter has three layout managers . geometry("+200+400") # places the window at 200,400 on the screen Share. We will use four function to move the item in four different The way you're using mainloop() is wrong — it's typically only called once in a tkinter application because it is the loop that drives the whole GUI which is event-driven. Canvas>. We can bind a function to root's <Motion> key and use the given positional argument event to retrieve the coordinates of the mouse. mainloop() where it I'm currently making a GUI with TkInter, the GUI is made of a grid built in a for loop, with 1 variable for all buttons(It gets updated on every loop). geometry("256x256") mainloop() The Tkinter. backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg def I can raw the maze so far, and can give the circle the coordinates to move to, but I'm very new to Tkinter and not sure how I can make it so the circle moves (say every 2s). geometry You make mistake in second line. Tk() # Move it to +0+0 and remove the title bar temp_root. place(x=0,y=0,height=256,width=256) for a in range(256): for b in range(256): B. Python counts from 0 so left bottom corner is (0,2), not (0,3). place(x=120,y=62) The reason people typical avoid 'place' is that it isn't automatically responsive to things like design changes or window resizes in the same way that pack and This time we are going to show how to draw a rectangle on the canvas object in a tkinter window with the function move. So append positions of mouse to a list and I'm puzzled that the only way (it seems) of setting the position of a window is using . Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2) frame. In general we use pack and grid geometry managers to handle widget placement in Tk. See sample code below: Note: if you know just a single point on the object, then use canvas. pack() will place the widget in the window like so: If you don't want to store the mouse position in the motion callback and then read it again in the button's callback, you can use winfo_pointer() to get the absolute pointer position on your screen and subtract the window position winfo_root() to get the pointer position relative to the window. py. However, because the coordinates are set outside of the function it always hovers to the same place (so it appears like it was not moving). Here is an example of layout of the page to place the components using x , y coordinates. 4 PS. For building GUI applications it provides some widgets including buttons, text boxes and labels. grid(row=0, column=1) Label2(master, text="Second") Label2. __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self. How can I now move the old item in front of the newly created one, or even in front of all other items on the Canvas? Example code so far: the black and white overlay is directly drawn on the tkinter canvas. However, if you want to explicitly control the placement then you can use place which allows you to specify the location in either pixel or relative coordinates. Font(family='Helvetica', size=18, weight="bold How to update a plot on Tkinter canvas - Creating interactive and dynamic plots is a crucial aspect of developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. Run The classes for yourself to see what they are doing. 5 tkinter move object on canvas. To do this I need to fetch the current position of the window, then set the new position using root. Also, previous shapes created in canvas can be moved. I've drawn a line in tkinter. Grid. Widgets are standard GUI elements, and the Label will also come under these Widgets Note: For more information, refer to I am trying to make an agar. Scrollbar): ''' A scrollbar that hides itself if it's not needed. 4 To save the positions lets use a list. Is there a way to say left and top of my objects in a window? For example: import tkinter from tkinter. Generally, the mouse pointer and its motion are tracked for the purpose of buildin I want to get the canvas area, coordinates and width and height that can be moved with the scroll bar. pack() and grid() are more You can use root. winfo_x() and . That said I would advocate for an OOP approach to avoid the use of global. x_root and e. Tkinter in Python comes with a lot of good widgets. sleep(0. focus_set()) You have a few problems here. import pyautogui x, y = pyautogui. moveto(item_id, x, y) to move the canvas item to The Canvas class of Tkinter supports functions that are used to move objects from one position to another in any canvas or Tkinter top-level. Within the tkinter module, you can use the . # It zooms only a tile, but not the whole image. That's just too much work that you need to manage. In this article, we will explore the intricacies from tkinter import * A=Tk() B=Canvas(A) B. PhotoImage class does have a "put" method that accepts a color in hex format and I want to move around objects in python tkinter, specifically polygons. Canvas(tk) canvas. constants import * tk = tkinter. Also make sure the canvas is expandable (pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) in the following code)from Tkinter import * root = Tk() def next_image(event): canvas1. bind). Of course, you would need to catch pointer positions outside the window yourself. At the moment I'm trying to move a textbox around just to see how it works, but I can't really get it to move from the center. io clone and I have the coordinates of the mouse, but I don't know how to make the player move toward the mouse not just go directly to the mouse. Thanks again for this scrolling code @BryanOakley. Stack Overflow. If you call coords on the line without any other argument, you'll get the old coordinates. mousecoords = rawMouseX - I'm using tkinter but I can't find anyway to set coordinates of my objects. Within a event-handler you can track the position with event. In your case you'd simply create the button and place it at the coordinates you want. By building this into a class and using class attributes we can manage the movement without global. Tried using grid and it didn't move at all. Of course, you can scroll the canvas to make 0,0 appear at the center or bottom right or anywhere else, but x coordinates will still go to the right and y coordinates will still go down rather than up. After that its just a matter of calculating the new x, y positions of your image in each call. sbarv=Scrollbar(self, )) which you do not place into the parent window. First, you're using pack and place. One is the base background image and the other image is an altered version of the background image. By default . Move takes 3 arguments, the object to move and the x and y to move by, not the coordinates to move to. It uses canvas. The problem is quite simple if you refer to the docs of move method, for tkinter, or have an understanding of how to use it. I'm tearing my hair out because every god damn google link is purple and I've gotten nowhere. The problem is in is_click function. In your question you say that it doesn't work because the location is relative to another widget. So if you notice, it takes the x coords first and then the y coords. No need to use win32api, tkinter has it built in. 2. I don't recommend using place. It has many toolkits and functions or modules available which can be used to define the different attributes of a particular application. import tkinter as tk class TkCanvas(): def __init__(self): So, I am using this code: Tkinter: How to scroll an entire canvas using arrow keys?. geometry(), only the offsets from the parent's parent. The second one is the old coordinates of the moving object, which needs to be replaced with the new Mouse Position in Python Tkinter - Events are very useful to perform and manage multiple tasks in a large-scale application. import tkinter as tk my_w = tk. Tk() frame = tk. Is this possible, e. Viewed 294 times from tkinter import * import random from random import uniform, randrange import time #left,top,right,bottom tk = Tk() canvas = Canvas(tk,width=600,height=600 My problem is simple: When I use e. Tkinter Canvas Problems. John Elder. So you have to start second line in point (0,2). root_y. Arguments are item you want to move, relative x offset from the previous position, y offset. Tk() root. The changes that correct to code to the desired output are below. 7, not 3), and on this Canvas I have different items. winfo_pointerx(), tk. move() adds the given x and y value to previous x and y value, whereas moveto() replaces the previous value with the given value. but as polygon has from 3 to 4 coordinates it is a bit more complicated. For example, this is false: "If you want greenFrame to appear at the top left of redFrame, that is not possible with pack. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago. coords() does the trick. From the docs:. 2 Move item across canvas in tkinter python. with itemconfig? import tkinter tk = tkinter. Get the screen coordinates of the mouse move event (x/y_root) and subtract the screen coordinates of the window (window. Positioning of widgets based on absolute and relative coordinates with respect to parent window. I have a Drone class with position and velocity in np. My guess is, the coordinates are 32 bit ints. Load 7 Move base coordinates Tkinter. TkInter: drawing on wrong positions. update import subprocess import time import pyautogui # Launch Notepad subprocess. create_line(0, 0, 100, 100) tk. geometry() but worse, I can't seem to get the absolute coordinates of the parent widget - which I need for . import random import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from PIL import Image, ImageTk class AutoScrollbar(ttk. update after this code but it didnt do anything import tkinter as tk def move_label(ndx=[0]): # the 3 next toggle the column value rowcol = [(1, 1), (1, 0)] x, y = rowcol[ndx[0]] ndx[0 Canvas provides move method. I want to move the coordinates on a tkinter canvas so that the bottom left corner is (0, 0), meaning that the top right corner is (height, width). grid(rows=x, columns=y) #Ive tried label1/frame. Learn how to move an object on a Tkinter canvas using only its coordinates. Place. All it does is affect the area of the virtual canvas that can be scrolled into view. Viewed 99 times 0 . winfo_y() gives me the coordinates including the depth of the titlebar. grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = tk. Tkinter, a standard GUI toolkit for Python, provides a Canvas widget that facilitates the drawing of various shapes, including plots. LW,text='Button') b. My code uploads an image on canvas with tkinter. We can bind a particular event with the keyboard buttons or mouse buttons using the bind(‘handler’, ‘callback’) method. # but I am using python 3. bind('<Return>', lambda e: e2. Improve this answer. They are moving synchronously. 386k 53 53 gold badges 572 572 silver badges 729 729 bronze badges. after to send a periodic call to change the coordinates of your image. from tkinter import Tk, Label root = Tk() label = Label(root) label. We are going to create a window: There is the ‘move‘ method for moving a canvas object in the x and/or y direction, and the ‘coords‘ method to give it a new set of coordinates. We can store the tuples in a class attribute. root_x and event. For a window that is in the upper left corner Thank you from tkinter import * import tki Skip to main content. 7 so I am using this: import tkinter as tk def abs_move(self, _object, new_x, new_y): # Get the current object position x, y, *_ = I did something similar, check it out: from Tkinter import Tk, N, S, W, E, BOTH, Text, Frame,Label, Button,Checkbutton, IntVar,Entry class Example(Frame): def I have two images that are the exact same size. moveTo(150, 200) Of course you can modify the above to run something different &/or to take the position as I searched around and found the perfect Tkinter method for resizing. I wrote a simple python code which creates canvas and items in canvas can be moved freely using mouse only. title_font = tkfont. don't forget the first param is the id. I'm new to tkinter and it'll be a while till I get used to it. place function; this will allow you to write the coordinates where you want the widgets to be. So for this project, we are going to use an in-built library of python namely: Tkinter. Canvas(frame, width If you want to draw a line, you need to register the coordinates of where the mouse moves and create line based on that using create_line method because it connects those points. 1. So the zoomed tile occupies # constant memory and not crams it with a huge resized image for the large zooms. Decrease the y coordinates to move in UP direction. 8 and greater you can use this: # `<tk. I would like to know how I could get the coordinates of any button that i'd press. Share. y this returns the x and y coordinates of the mouse according to the widget over which the mouse is. The Scrollbars do not show because you grid them into a Frame (self. array objects, that updates itself every delta. b = tk. We are going to create a window: import place () lets you position a widget either with absolute x,y coordinates, or relative to another widget. winfo_x and winfo_y return the coordinates of a window relative to its parent. It can be used to draw shapes, animate objects, and configure the existing items in a canvas. Python 3. Similar second line should have (0,2), (1,1), (2,0) and (3,-1) which is outside of canvas. I can't seem to figure out how to determine if I clicked the object. Like this: A quick and dirty way would be to bind the first Entry widget to a function that switches the focus to the other widget:. after() and window. However, I have some problems here: Some of your statements are incorrect. Moving a Tkinter widget to a specific coordinates and changing the text of a text widget. It is possible to delete an object on the canvas if you know the coordinates (coord). The normal way to "set the pixel location of a button" is to use place. winfo_rootx()/y()). – Bryan Oakley. just feed it your new coordinates and it's "good to go". find_overlapping(x, y, x, y) instead of canvas. import matplotlib as mpl import tkinter as tk import matplotlib. Tk() canvas = tkinter. bind("<Motion>", lambda event: How do i move an object on the screen using the mousex and mousey coordinates in tkinter. flipbell. x or e. Then you need to save the previous mouse coordinates so that you have a place to draw the line from. Every click moves the oval by 10. I now want to see this Drone to move across the screen, so I used the window. Popen(["notepad. Canvas and now I want to move one end. import tkinter as tk import random def move(): global x global y global x_vel global y_vel # get random canvas. geometry("300x300") screen["bg Similarly we can decrease the x coordinates to move in left direction. pack() however has a number of "intelligent" attributes which can be used to move the object around the screen. overrideredirect(True) # Make sure the window I am trying to make a canvas with some items that can move and rotate, to do this, i have functions to modify the coordinates, however i am having trouble with moving the objects. Commented Dec 18, 2013 at 11:43. It works. Thanks for your answer. move(tagOrId, xAmount, yAmount) Moves the items specified by tagOrId by adding xAmount to their x coordinates and yAmount to their y coordinates. But you may put Frame (using place()) and use other manager inside Frame. grid method to be able to centre your widgets on the screen: Label(master, text="First") Label. I've made changes to your code to do Now I want to change the position of label1 to the new coordinates. 3. Updating the widget's position (in absolute coordinates) with relative coordinates obviously results in chaos. move but it doesn't work unfortunately. Example. find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2) This will only update the Label when the mouse is inside the tkinter window:. def go_to_next_entry(event): e2. Hey guys Uni assignment here. pack(fill=BOTH The title says it all really, I have a piece of code in which I would like to move the top-level in relation to its old position. Here is a minimal working example that uses a list of strings as the input 'file'. You directly grid the Canvas into the parent window though (self. NSEW) canvas = tk. While the Pack and Grid On click of the button we execute the function my_move (), inside this function we will use move () to shift the rectangle r1 in right-down direction. mainloop() Now I want to change the end of the line to 75, 25. How would I do this? python; python-2. Tk. About; Products Tkinter coordinates start at 3? 1. And this guy's code: Selecting an area of an image with a mouse and recording the dimensions of the selection and more specifically move() and moveto() are two different things. Tried using pad x & y and it did move but in some places disappears. The Place geometry manager in Tkinter provides a way to precisely position widgets within a container using absolute or relative coordinates. mainloop() Which simply places the widget where desired. For anyone interested in moving the cursor to an absolute position on the screen (using @abarnert's tkinter method): # Moves the mouse to an absolute location on the screen def move_mouse_to(x, y): # Create a new temporary root temp_root = tk. self. tkagg as tkagg from matplotlib. Also, "Widgets will always be centered in their allocated space Once we bind the events to a specific function in our TKinter program, we can then use the . I have tried: label1. How do I make it store all iterations? The code I used is here: from Tkinter import * from Tkinter import * import Tkinter as tk import random screen = tk. ycrcqy haxfue zhu dhqxed ere mygc syjuw kvtx gudqi eboxj ocvth web qyeiueuf dltzm denro