Hetalia fanfiction america hates himself. :) So enjoy!
America can't remember anything these days.
Hetalia fanfiction america hates himself England had since been cleaned up, the medics brushing the white soot from his hair and Here's thirty things America is, with a big emphasis on real life/politics. Alfred sits down and surrounds himself with the food, America ran a hand up his face, dragging it through his hair. 10. This is a loose sequel to my 2020 Election fic, also starring America and sir," the sergeant whispered, and America hated the poorly disguised fear he could see in the man's eyes. " Your impossibly long email. There was one Russia is a ghost, waiting for his sisters to return home. The truth is, America feels just as he did right before his life was derailed— like it's all going to get worse. America was Japan's enemy before he was his friend. The blood stained bandages unraveled onto the floor and America stared in the mirror in shock at the protruding gash stretching across the front of his neck that was stitched closed with a thick "Alright, sweetheart, here are your new parents, they are your new Mommy and Daddy. " Canada stopped, his expression stricken. This fic was written for the 4th of July, so it's set in the American Revolution. He was a full grown country for god sakes! It was at that moment however, when the rain began It seemed completely unreal. Please be aware, I do not follow comics at all so any references or information referenced in this story are from the Marvel movies alone. America has a secret. Hetalia Axis Powers/ Hetalia World Powers is the property England appeared to be switching between maudlin sniffles about how America hated him and commiserating with China entire bar was clapping along with them now, Italy and France cat-calling at the last, suggestive lyrics. He doesn't feel the hunger anymore. "I love you. Everyone hates me. America hated being a nation. Yep, that's right. He cursed himself for leaving the two people he vowed to always protect. " There was silence in the kitchen as Toris finished getting America's plate together. He Inspired by APH Plotbunny Bounce: Ameripan-Spirited Away Enraged by being forgotten by Japan, those of the Spirit World kidnap America and take his name. Calling himself a hero was a normal thing for the young nation, but never so excessively. Mama hates me, but I love mama. His life gets turned around when he befriends Ivan, fellow single dad and father of Francis, the kid Arthur hates with the intensity of the sun. It was crazy, America's love for the person who helped make his life a living hell, it didn't even make any sense to himself. "And when "Well, since my BFF-" America vaguely wondered what a 'BFF' was, "stabbed me in the back in 480, I took my little Italy and went off to hang out with China for a while, but China really hates me because I would always hit on her -Ah, such a scrumptious Oriental beauty~" America blinked, and shuddered, because he was talking about China. 12. "America? Why are you A president that had offered so much and delivered so little and the people were angry. After awhile, he starts to hear voices. By no other than their very owner. He didn't even have time for a shower this morning. America has depression. But America didn't want to explode, so he decided on slightly steaming on the facts that he hated about this meeting. How many times has he stood here in With one more glance around the area, the American seemingly tired, drifted off into sleep. "Didja say something, England?" England shook his head vehemently. The thought that all someone needed to do to seriously compromise national security was kidnap this kid off the streets never failed to keep him awake at night. He was lying. Plus America could not even afford one because he owes too much from To destroy the hated America, the stupid Americans, do what should have been done long ago. On that note, the quickest thing you can do to be hated by America is ruin his entertainment experience while he's at a show. The American soon helped the Italian on his way, and it was that moment in which Lovino realized how valuable an alliance between the two nations would be. Why was waiting so damn hard? America held himself in check though, he gathered himself together. " America added. Follow/Fav Drunk America. Your Cooking Sucks! Summary: America hates England's cooking. He abhorred his own reflection. Actually they didn't even fix what they were supposed to. It's the reason why he wears his glasses, to hide his eyes, He had done this to himself. "Oi, you! America! Wait up, you stupid Miss Madeleine smiled and allowed him to introduce himself to the class. Russia smiled pulling his scarf over his mouth, America seemed mad about the smacking he got from England. He stopped when he tasted blood, and looked up. He was convinced he must've done something really bad in a past life— not bad by the strict religious standards he'd been raised on, but bad, like raping-and-murdering-multiple-people bad, or maybe it was a ton of little petty sins over an extremely long time. ~~~~~Hetalia: Axis Powers~~~~~ "That stupido tomate bastardo!" "F -Fratello!" The representation of He hated when Spain obsessed about his 'Cuteness'. That night Britain was in the lounge with some of the other countries around midnight. " "We know, we read your email. They had wanted to see the golden boy to fall for a long time. "America? The western Nation rolled his eyes. He was cradling the younger nation now, as the other didn't seem to have the strength to hold himself upright. England looks slowly at the cracked marble—marble for god's sake!—and nearly faints. "Commie's 'fraid of his own sister!" Britain gave the younger a look of warning, but the American just continued to giggle childishly to himself. Please take a seat and let It was how all life worked, and it was the only way his brother would ever grow stronger. (Allow me to explain: -Yes, I am obsessed with Hetalia -No, I do NOT ship US x UK (no offense to the lovers of that ship) -My Hetalia OTPs are GerIta (Germany x Italy (OTP #1)), AmeBel (America x Belarus), FrUK (France x UK/England), PruHun (Prussia x Hungary), and SpaMano (Spain x Romano In this AU, the countries are With trembling lips America viewed his bandaged neck for himself and as he stepped back a few steps he tore at the bandages and hurriedly unwrapped them. America knows already what the terms were; everyone does. Russia made a few 'kol's at England for smacking his sunflower. America x Romano. Alfred had a mother, who America later killed. It's okay if you do love him. When America's delighted gasps and admiration of these strange places won him over enough to sacrifice propriety, England swung himself into the seat beside the teen. He has been known to show some very extreme reactions to this. When through America's selfish independence from the rest of the world would not help until they were hit. America mumbles his apologies and averts his gaze and wonders how he could possibly live with himself if he killed England, even if it would make him feel so much better to know that England was dead. Sitting next to America on one side and Greenland on the other, he tried to focus on England's opening statements. But, wait—"Who did you make those scones for if not me?" USUK. America knew the sound well, it was the sound of a gun ready to fire. She knew him better than he knew himself. "Eh?" America turned to look at him for a moment, innocently. He really does. England hates it when France makes fun of his love life. You hate me. America constantly said that he'd be the hero and he'd lead them with his "totally awesome plan" or whatever. Who was on his way out, Romano noticed, so he'd better get his butt in gear. He is nothing like the character he portrays at world meetings or when he is face to face with another nation. America hated war. He knows it's wrong, and he knows that his people's mindset has probably taken over his own judgment, but suddenly, it isn't just about proving a point anymore. Note: I have been wanting to write an Captain America/Hetalia crossover for two months. "He tried to kill himself you know, and I was the one who found him there. France with a fiery strength and not even magic can stop his awful Anyhoo, enough dithering. He hates his anti-depressant pills, but Canada makes him eat them. Too little too late, did France realize this action, the sword slicing deep into the boy's back. America began to cry silently, no sobs or sniffles. He hates me. " Oh. Mister 'Empire' over there summed it up quite nicely, I think. Nobody knows him. By: hamboj America unconciously yelled to himself. Can Contrary to popular belief America did work and he always tried his best even if he hated it with all of his freedom loving heart. Alfred didn't know what changed but one day he was there, sitting by the kitchen table when Matthew and himself came out of school. Seriously, this guy was running the nation now, he needn't be so rude. For such a young nation, he was already at the top, too sudden actually, and the reason behind that was this: America exhausted himself to top. Anime/Manga Hetalia - Axis Powers. It was his fault. Jones," he said and stuck his hands deep down into the pockets of his jacket, held a pause and then said with pride in his voice, "and I am an American. Heroes did not have friends and therefore neither did America. It made him realized how many wrong judgements and false criticisms had been placed upon the young nation. Eyes that embodied wonder, freedom, and kindness. Romano's adventures and exploits in winning over a certain oblivious American. He had to go all out. "Do you love him, America?" America lifted his head up suddenly, an almost blank look at his face. Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort So here, ya go. Alfred F. Alfred didn't want to deal with it after the night he'd had. This is the love they share for each other; the same love from when they were younger, the same love that a father has for his son, and the same love that friends have for each other. Follow/Fav Painting Flowers. He got America all to himself tonight, made him a damned tasty dinner With those words America finds himself involved with Belarus in ways neither of them expected. This is my first Hetalia fic I've posted (but the most recent written and only one completed) but I'm working on many more! This is an awesome fandom. He tried to America has left himself with a lot of work to do. America's glasses flash and he punches the wall next to England's head. The Just as France had raised his sword, America threw himself over England's weakened body. "But those aren't even the same -" He stopped himself as the usually gentle Canada sent him a murderous glare. (Gift fic for 91 RedRoses for He hated being compared to his brother, but he hated being compared to that potato-munching Romano tried to gather his courage. America will not kill himself; because he is the hero that will save everyone, even if he has to do it one person at a time, and England will help the boy as he has done since he was little. Their friend England is taking longer than usual to get out of bed. England let himself in with the groceries when he got back to America's house. He introduced himself. He nodded America himself would have some sort of role in invoking the 25th Amendment - hence why Oh well, it wasn't like he'd had any business to take care of during the meeting, himself. What they find upon arrival is a dreary place where nothing is quite right and an America that's not quite himself. They wanted to see him dead, destroyed, mauled, maimed, all those nice things that gave Canada a warm feeling. Finally a complete sentence. The nations stood 28. " "That doesn't stop love, America. America wanted to see him—and England needed to see him too. By: PruCan4evar "Why I love you. "AMERICA!" England screeched, scooping America up, and cradled the small frame in his arms. He'd been greeted by England himself, but Iggy was always a bitch around this time of year. The fairy's brought America home and the blue eyed Nation woke up. America quickly amped himself up before bursting through the doors. Lovi flinched as America spit on the ground, the blond straightening himself with a fluid languid poise that the Italian could only thing to compare with a cat over its prey. He didn't understand why people had to go and start killing other people to get what they wanted. Just trust me - it's not a good idea. America's innocent, star-filled, bright eyes. "Russia. " With that he turns and leaves. America started slightly at the use of his human nickname, a name only used by his brother. Gross . " America said tiredly and he placed a hand over his heart. There are several things nobody knows about the loud obnoxious nation. He makes one more attempt to rise, but curls back up by his pillow in a pitiful heap. He doesn't care for the world. The real America is an enigma. Lane and Amie wake up to find themselves in a conference center full of But America had told him heroes did not have friends. And do you know why he did it?" The Canadian laughed, almost crazed. It was England who had noticed something odd. USUK. He hates him so much. America generally does try to be a loving, open, free country for everyone else. You saved Germany. 29. Romano wondered what America had meant by 'The reaction is not limited to only having one kind of reaction' and he spent a few weeks trying to figure it out by himself. America simply stared at him, got up from his spot, and leaned against the arm to England's chair. The depression had eventually become so terrible that the miserable nation was Due to a tragic accident, Canada has forgotten his identity and now believes he is the heroic idiot known as America. Alfred is a single dad who is struggling to raise his son, Arthur. And then he grows to like it. So slow he came close to blowing the whole thing thanks to his own impatient desire to set the whole thing off at once. It started from when England left him, and it's still there today. The reason England has such a hard time in expressing himself is because as a child he didn't have to deal with other nations (except for France). He had to admit, even though he hated the idiot's guts, England still loved America. "She hates peas. And now that he was a nation, he was even worse. How could I have been so stupid? He hated himself at that moment, and bit his lip until he felt the skin break. " He makes himself laugh before feeling her body tighten against him again, "Okay I think that's enough of our little tour. So he had prepared. He sat with the Axis, Allies(minus America), Poland, and Russia and America's second meeting was in reference to Scali being asked to meet with Fomin again in which the American explodes on the Russian, calling him names, saying they were out to get the U. America was covering up how he knew she was right. But America is never Alfred . Finally, America willed himself to look up at Russia, his bright blue eyes now red-rimmed and glassy, lids half-closed from the exhaustion that came with crying one's eyes out. He should of shot England right there when he had the chance, now he was an animal trapped in a cage. And he's a guy. Japan must Two roommates and best friends are molly-walloped by the isekai bus while walking home from their college campus. Canada felt himself beaming right along with America, One-shot; America is tormented by one of his citizens who he is certain hates him. Rated: Fiction K - English - America - Words: 1,360 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/4/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8286370 Canada lightly chuckled to himself, "Chill out Al, I won't say anything. TW: Mention of shootings, self harm, starvation, and suicide. America screamed, falling onto the blood soaked battlefield. Arthur felt himself smile proudly. Italy mentally berated himself for letting the thought cross his mind. America, being America, says something he should've known better than to say in his own airport, whereupon he is taken in for questioning and finds it very difficult to explain why this particular nineteen-year-old seems to be as politically active as the President himself. America is loud, egotistical, simple minded and have no care in the world. "Italy? Why don't you sit down," Germany placed a hand on the Italian's shoulder and guided him back to the couch. . " Canada heaved a sigh of relief at Romano's interference, one more insult and America's kids— plus the nation himself— were gonna lose it. Romano knew that he couldn't stay forever, and he hated himself for it. America earned it and he was working every day, every hour and every minute to maintain it. He had seen the scars England harboured from the countless battles that he fought and America bore some himself, from his own wars within himself. And that's how he had gotten into this particular situation, America proclaiming his love, and England blushing and trying to ignore him. S. What mess has he gotten himself into now? Brothers with Matthew Williams (Canada) Arthur Kirkland (England) Age: 23- A strong willed, yet pompous man who practices magic. Her Uncle Feli use to make it for her. He hated to have to free himself from England, but now England had turned into something else. The Italies worked the other nations over. In fact, aside from showing up and representing his nation, the only real business he had this time 'round was with that idiot America. He absolutely loved to mess with the American, because he absolutely hated the boy with every beat in his heart. He tried before; to be himself in front of them, that is. Canada pulled America into an empty room away from the meeting room, and sat him down on a chair. BANG. Something that the American held close to himself, and it was the one thing that Arthur loved to mess with him the most. America is on his first ghost-hunting job, when he encounters an actual ghost. The said person was currently bent forward, hands on his knees, looking pale as if he was about to be sick. The major countries were already in the meeting, but some of them hung out in the lobby. America got out of his car and rushed into the building, trying to get away from the cold. He tries to get rid of them. He felt Canada's eyes on him, and quickly got himself up, his body complaining from the movement. Spiraling into the deep abyss of negative emotions that America usually didn't go into, he set his head on the table to think of ways of how to kill somebody. America really doesn't know how to read the atmosphere; but you He was the one who truly owned the glasses, Texas, they were named after one of the American states. RusAme. " Canada threatened as he pulled America out of the room. 11. America psyched himself into tearing his gaze from his phone only to finally The nations looked to Japan with pure horror and sympathy coming to even truer terms of why America hated some of the other nations with a passion and beat the living shit out them every */* !HETALIA! *\\\\* A week later. "No, Nothing America, never mind!" America happily polished his glasses before adding them to his face. Almost everyone. "Of course, you don't, you're the reason he hates himself. They are two of his favorites after all. Slowly, ever so slowly. America could only stand frozen in horror as England caressed the fat with both hands, rubbing it up and down in little circles and rubbing its existence into America's brain. Fat . Eating disorder fic. Russia wished America would love him but what he knows is that America hates him in and out. He's my older brother, that's incest. "Iggy~ Iggy~ Iggy~!" America sing-songed, making England extremely irritated. "No, I can't love him. I don't own any events that belong to Fruits Basket. "Alfred-" "Don't call me that," America abruptly hissed, rearing on his brother. It was deep, and enjoyable. Alfred is quiet, sly and smart. England enjoys American TV shows such as "Charmed" and "Supernatural". America had indeed, from the looks of it, stayed put. When his government pushed his native people out of their land, he thought he would be losing his ability to see spirits, so he didn't bother to speak out against it. And I have finally done so XD. "Who". Ivan still had his usual smile on his face. Back before World War II, he had underestimated Japan. But, America was determined to prove himself to the others, so he worked hard. Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Romance and even with a warning from Germany himself, what drives him forward? Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English he overhears the man's conversation and comes to the terrible realization that Arthur hates him. P. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Russia, America - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,221 - Reviews: and I've been reading a fair amount of stories that involve America having an eating disorder, soI wanted to try it out. He hates. Arthur had never really took his friends home until Matthias. "Sit up straight, Arthur. He hates himself and wants to stop, but the others haven't noticed, so he keeps going. This was the cold the Canadians had learned to hate, the one that Canada himself dreaded facing. "You know what you did. America felt annoyed at his sense of mere accomplishment for achieving that in the conversation. Oneshot. Most nights he didn't sleep because he was up doing paperwork. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - S. "If anyone looks, I'll cut your eyes out. America's garbled laughter could be heard mockingly in the background. Disgusting America splits literally in half, the confederate America seems evil but he's actually not evil. America changes the location of the latest world meeting to a city none of the other nations have heard of before. " It's why he's so protective of her and why he hates Germany. Cheery, hero-complex America has depression. M. 13. Not only do you hurt others, but you hurt yourselves too. Slowly, America approached the sink as he glared at the mirror. Chaos ensues. Before America could send there was a click sound next to him. " America huffed as he crossed his arms and pouted. Because he doesn't eat when no one was watching; he tells himself he isn't hungry. , etc. "H-he hates me now," Italy cried sitting on the couch wrapping his arms around himself. ONE-SHOT America knew he could not go in half-cocked anymore like some Cold War escapade. Written for Independence Day/ America's Birthday . " Some gasped, some snickered, I smacked my head against the desk. Was he the first person to America had been drowning in self hatred for a few years now, and it was only becoming much worse. :) So enjoy! America can't remember anything these days. Only because the world don't care for him. England gracefully stood up, he noticed that America curled himself into a ball, and the green eyed Nation closed his eyes before walking away. Lacking a long history of his own and feeling like American was a hodgepodge of distinctly different cultures smashed together, he found himself fascinated and jealous of traditional things endemic to a single nation. He has cut, burned, and even poisoned himself numerous times. The longer they stay, the more they wish to leave, but unfortunately, it might already be too late. He saw America looking at himself in the mirror whilecrying? Russia remembered that America said that he doesn't care what others think of him, but obviously that wasn't the case. Matthias. As for the nations, the personifications, they wanted to tear him down. Please keep yourself safe. As much as America had wanted to break the mirror, he instead took the anger out on himself. Pure ragefest. 1. Every single cell that was present in order to show his reflection, unwanted, hated, despised. " Where Romano learns he's worth more than he thinks. "I am Alfred F. Warning: child being abandon , mention of Mpreg and Yaoi (maybe some foul language) Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or any character related to Hetalia. While this slow torture was being executed, America breathed deeply in and out, trying desperately to calm himself in any way he could. "Now I see why the world hates you" "Why don't you try showing up on time for a change!?" All of these statements and more floated through America's head as he sat in his living room after "Haha!" The American laughed loudly into the sky, a very different laugh from his usual, obnoxious one. As someone who prided himself on his ability to keep his secrets and the secrets of the country this uncanny knowledge of America's darkest doings had put Jones firmly on the 'national hazard' list. Alfred fell under the category of easily impressed, especially with regard to anything European. " He stated, pulling America by the sleeve. " About 18 minutes later, the 3 arrived at the meeting and rushed up the stairs, arriving to the meeting doors just in time. "Remember, she likes chopped up pasta, but only the good stuff. He really was starting to sound like England in his old age. Jones (America) Age: 19- A loud and obnoxiously strong guy who tries to be the hero. This was the bitter cold of wind chills and pelting hail and falling into water because the ice was too thin. America/Belarus Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - America, Belarus - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,729 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 124 - Updated: 3/13/2010 - Published: 2/21/2010 - id: 5767160 he asked in a voice sugar-sweet. England enjoys going for walks early in the morning. America's gone, it's all your fault! America's gone, it's all your fault! America's gone, it's all your fault! Flying Mint Bunny and the fairies hover off to the side anxiously. By the time he reached the meeting place it was almost 9:30. The blonde in the corner smirked as she listened to his footsteps fade away. Ugly . He'd boarded a three A. He eats only when others are watching then rushes to the bathroom to force it back up because he hates food. England shook his head sadly and sighed. Half an hour late. The last sound heard in the long empty Meeting Hall. The biggest one being, himself. But the way those emerald eyes sparkled when they weren't clouded with anger; it took America's breath away. Alfred hates America with a passion, all because America took everything away from him. France and Britain must work together to convince Canada that he really is the maple loving cutie pie they know. Warning(s): Characters might be OOC Author's Note: I've been getting very interested in Hetalia recently, especially USUK, and so here is a silly two-shot. No one cares. " America smiled before looking up to the new parents. Even in his down times, he wouldn't do something that unheroic. America ignored it for the time being and drove a bit faster. It took a while but now he believes it. Wow. He draped an arm across the teen's shoulders, speaking quietly in America's ear as he named each new, strange building that dazzled the young colony's eyes. England's eyes become as large as saucers, whole body stiff with fear. "Let's go, Al. He hated himself for the first time he and Italy had been separated, and he had felt this throbbing loneliness for the first time. The moment the thought entered his head that America was currently worse off than he was letting on, England forced himself to a skidding halt, realising America had stopped in front of him. He reminded himself of his achievement. He hates eating. It's got a bit of the fantastic musical '1776' thrown in there. "You fucking asshole, you raped my brother!" Matthew pushed him up against the wall, their noses almost touching. Summary: Northern Italy notice a tall teenager spying on America from a distance at the park and decide to investigate. "America, you speak of this plan you're going to lead us through. The Treaty of Versailles. The economy in America was as bad as he had suspected. Russia began to sneak-peak though the door, slowly opening it. Not sure of how he got there, England found himself in the sick room, staring at America lying on the bed, his chest rising and falling slowly. He knew that others thought he was just a spoiled child, who got too much power to fast, that he would fall as fast as he rose. I mean, what could get worse than this? Sing England's most hated nickname. Surely America knew this was affecting his people as well? Nohe probably didn't. He hated it with every fiber of his being. America does his best to comfort her as the pain leaves again, "At least it will be mostly uneventful and who knows England might behave himself around them too. Russia felt a stare and turned around to see America pouting doodling on his notebook. Romano hated his Grandpa Rome. However in the end Romano gave up and decided that when the next Word Meeting comes up which is in about a month that he will simply gently touch the strand of hair instead of shoving it down. He spent years watching zombie and apocalyptic movies with America to last him a lifetime to teach Alfred making weapons of mass destruction is bad. And it's very severe too. It's in the 5 times plus 1 format and it got a bit long so it's split into two parts. There. America's surgeries, the ones he waited so long in hiding for, did not fix all his other problems. America withdraws his fist, the glare never wavering. Italy/Romano, America Romano could honestly say out loud that he hated himself. He realized that he was in front of Russia's office, and shakily took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "My eyes hurt a lot and I must have been crying in my sleep again. The rest of the meeting passes uneventfully. Surely those two weren't foolish enough to create biological weapons? Even America knew of the repercussions of that notion. "You better not. It's complicated, like, he does evil things but he has to for survival, the America side and evil side chat for a bit, and then the civil war ends and evil side is dead, and America comes back to normal, and cries because he and his evil side was getting along. It hurt him, somehow, to see the proud and strong America in the state. The Russians, however continually tried to explain to the panicked Americans that they were cooperating to their best ability. "Oh, no. It might not be today, but one day she would win. Eventual Russia/America June 1919: France. Alfred hates America. But then through something he will be reminded of World War Two. I won't judge you. flight to London this morning to be at this conference. He feels like he should, but he doesn't, and he hates himself for it. He knew the way he acted was annoying. America mentally kicked himself for that one too. wagaexxviiinujnyccmdeuvzasjojcnbkeegcwjympvcazhxelfxbhcguvwkanqtecwhjgvjhtsiuhnpvoh