Aberration how to get to blue zone. So far the map has been very .
Aberration how to get to blue zone There is no radiation and n To add, 1200+ charge capacity and 800-1000 regen is plenty to explore the Blue Zone without ever having to deal with Nameless. With how glitchy drake gliding is, i'd be much mre comfrtable walking into rad zone than gliding in. The Surface is a set of regions in the DLC Aberration. There was a white drop sitting there across a huge jump. The metal rings pretty much lead you down without any issue, all you have to do is follow them. Rock Drakes are the best all-purpose mount for travel on abberation, but you need to get radiation gear and go the radioactive red zone on a strong mount. You won't be able to take the drake far into the cave system, but it's a convenient way Thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video!⭐join my ark server - https://discord. Progression on aberration . Continuing our challenge to complete ark survival evolved and aberration. I need some help to get out, or at least to get somewhere that is safe and that I can come back to later The end game area of the Aberration map is just south of the Blue zone and filled with radiation. 3 Longitude, 48. (Aberration) The area is rather large but it's very well-suited to zipping around on a rock drake. 1, Long 61. One from the Blue / bioluminescent Zone and one from the Green Zone. Like I told Reef, there is a land route that you can even walk that goes through the red zone. Without spots for wells or rain wouldnt that leave large portions of the map un-livable? Of course if the spinos and karkinos don't get you, the alpha ravagers ALL along the shores might. (X:-13155, Y:260776, Z: 13731) You can bring tamed dinos into this cave as long as they're able to jump approximately 6 foundations high. 4 longitude. If you want a little outpost base, you can build all the way up until the drop down onto the surface. ) Get a good dino tamed - Ravager Pack or Spino 3. Basically, try to use a complete hazard suit all This article is about locations of explorer notes, caves, artifacts, and beacons on Aberration. I used my spino to swim across the water to reach the purple and pink trees (you can't A bright and mysterious region to explore. I'm pretty sure there is a glitched area on one of the giant tree branches in the blue zone with invisible blue spores because I always manage to hit the damn things and can never find where the actual trap is. ) Head SE towards the edge of the green zone (giant cliff down to blue florescent forest) 4. Aberration is very deadly, good luck How to Farm Silica Pearls on Aberration Asa? Best Silica Pearl Spots on Ark ascended Aberration Like 50 of them in one place. Mt solution was to save and exit when entering or exiting blue zone I’m in the green zone and I want to go to the blue zone, any tips? If your in the fertile area use the aggrevagic mushrooms, if In blue aquatic mushrooms and in the radiation zone the gold ones( I always forget there name). Ok. 💥This video shows you how to get to the surface and reach all of the Obelisks in ARK: Aberrat The cave entrance is a vertical, underwater shaft, located in the lake at (55. Metal is plentiful. So many basiliks , rock drakes and nameless, they killed my bulb dog and ravager So i recently started playing on aberration and my first contact with those was pure horror. The only downside is that it actually strengthens the Seekers, bit those guys only spawn in the caves, red zone, and the surface. Happy Gaming! This detailed guide will brief you on how to locate red. Red zone is hot, a lot of drakes and reapers and those pesky bat's. Share. I tend to take my karkinos when I go into the Blue Zone, but that is just preference because they can jump and grab things with their claws. Any creatures tamed and items received can be brought to the vanilla island and used by people with and without the expansion. Blue mushrooms protect from the gas just like the brown ones do for the green zone gas. It's a literal maze. There's a few spots in the blue zone where you can zipline down to red gems pretty easily. If someone goes to the blue zone and leaves, they can lure (intentionally or otherwise) nameless after them. Thanks for any help!!! 🙏🏼 Share Add Journey Into the Blue Zone! - ARK: Survival Ascended Aberration LE72Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://www. com/Nylusion?sub_confirmation=1Join us in How to get to the underground world of Ark Svartalfheim and explore all the amazing !!! and massive, aberration area (blue area), Radiation Zone ( Red Area ) Im on Aberration, green zone, right under the pipe coming out of portal zone, and i follow it, i can see a blue area below (and further still, a red one). I know that there is a way to get there near the river but It would be way to difficult to transport all my dinos through there. blue and green Obelisks on the Ark Aberration expansion map. Jun 10, 2020 @ 12:26pm How are you supposed to get water in Aberration? I started in the easy portal spawn and can not find water anywhere close. 99 USD. HELP Hi, i need help finding a entrance to the Blue zone, that is easy to find, i want to enter the bluezone to build a base and get Blue crystals, but Most importantly for me is the metal nodes in the blue zone, since i just a ton of it right now. Get breeding them early. Location #1. It has 3 zones: Green zone - relatively easy, dont need any special tames or equipment to survive here. Just used a chute to get across to it. Items from the DLC can Disable Aberration Hallucinations? Is there a way to disable hallucinations? It was cool for the first 5 minutes, but now its just annoying to be exploring on my ravager and randomly get that effect. Blue Zone. Then move to blue zone and set up base near, but not right next to, the water. Oh, this is wonderful, another ten minute trek to get back in here just because I forgot my mushrooms and hazmat suit. Even if you kill enough nameless, theres a chance that a king will spawn instead of a queen. So what is the fastest way to get to the blue zone with all my dinos Oil spawns on the surface of aberration Dont listen to this troll Oil spawns I know, confirmed with video, down in the rock drake area near the purple river has oil rocks like in the cold areas on island. Aberration ; General ; How to get obsidian in abberation w/o haz mat How to get obsidian in abberation w/o haz mat. Jan 27, 2018 @ 2:51am Since we don't know what place you're at we can't help. Aberration: Blue Zone Entrances . If you get hit by and of the blue/freezing shrooms or spore walls, your as good as dead unless you have aquatic mushrooms on ya to eat the ARK: Aberration - All Obelisk Locations and how to get to them. Personally, I don't prefer to charge in blind and wing it; I'm more of a planner. You can also attach a Lamprey to Oh you're new to the map. For locations of explorer notes, caves, artifacts, and beacons, see Explorer Map (Aberration) . Reply reply Gotta be my favorite environmental transition in the whole game! Things that come to mind: If you're on a mission for rock drake eggs, you can use "the spine" (giant metal spine-looking thing overhead) as the guide for where you want to go; you don't need to visit some of the nastier parts of the red zone to get to the drakes The section below covers some of the best farming locations for blue gems in Ark Aberration. When you have a good spino and good charge pet you can move down and explore the blue zone. 9). Will I complete my challenge to def I play official, saw the blue zone from a forest in the upper NE zone. Copy. Thought you were joking because Aberration is OVERFLOWING with metal. Lots of metal, resources everywhere and such. Queens only spawn when enough nameless are killed/spawned. 3, 39. It is very dangerous area to explore due to all the deadly creatures you can find out there. Whenever a nameless spawns my game crashes, there’s nothing I can really do to prevent it, except go into fly and get away from there. 1; South West Green Entrance: Lat 64. I usually see 2 together pretty much in the green zone there. I've taken spinos and megalos down that way with ease. It has some of the best resources and a very important tame. ) 1) Master the green zone - * Tame ravagers + bears and rollrats + doeds - as soon as you have good bears you can get to the edges of the blue zone to tame anky's, gigantopithecus and snails - as soon as you have good ravagers you can start doing the first cave, the cave is good source of bluprints & upgrades, also for taming glowtails Exploring The Blue Luminescent Zone | Aberration | Soloing The Ark | #ArkSurvivalEvolved #SoloingTheArk | Ep49Tell your friends and share! It really helps me In this video I show you three different locations where you can harvest red gems that is in the blue zone or bioluminesent zone. During daylight the ground is on fire. poor man's radsuit, maybe, but when they added nets ab became my map to start out in on a new wipe. In the Blue Zone, head to 40. It is recommended to bring a Rock Drake or Reaper, of which the Rock Drake is the better choice, due to its ability to glide and camouflage. Spore walls are noticeable by floating orbs. If they de-aggro, you've then got nameless hiding in the green zone, who will unburrow and attack anyone without charge light. No reapers or rock drakes, unfortunately. 77:00 Spawn 4 – 62. Will I complete my challenge to def Around lat 35 lon 60 (in the redwood type of place) there's a little path to go down in the blue zone. 6. Kill Karkinos for polymer. Nameless spawn in the blue zone normally, they're just hidden until a player without a glow pet walks by. Took a little time to find the parents, but well worth it considering how much time you'll be spending in the Blue Zone! This article is about locations of resource nodes on Aberration. To see the GPS coordinates, point your mouse to a dot or square. You'll lose them a lot. Just be sure to get back before daylight. 1; I've played aberration before so I know how to get from the Potal to the blue biome entrance and I know where to get Drake eggs from. This article is about locations of explorer notes, caves, artifacts, and beacons on Aberration. Fanne. 9, 58. Blue zone was scary until I explored most of it. 8 I started playing on aberration and I live in the fertile lake area near the northwest surface. i dont want to use wall picks, or zip lines, because i want to get back up with my spinos and carnos (and any new tames). #13. This region has several locations, including 46. Aside from the Green Zone Aberration The BEST Silica Pearls Locations on ARK survival Ascended I will show you where to find and how to get Loads of Silica Pearls EASY on ARK ASA#ark ARK Aberration Ascended common resource guide: How to get different basic ingredients. I have played Ark a couple of times on this channel, and thi Blue mushrooms and a bulb dog and any creature that can kill mid game creatures. donmuerte If you aren't high enough level to get the Hazmat Suit and go to the surface, I know there's a blue terminal (the kind you find at the obelisks) at the very bottom guarded by Rock Drakes. Aside from the Green Zone, each other part of the map is hazardous. Mobile users may need to view this page in a browser with desktop mode enabled to use the map fully. For these stats, I got two high level Bulbdogs (100+), bred them, and got 100% imprint on the babies. 65:48 Spawn 3 – 69. I have some high level bulbdogs that can keep a constant light going for over an hour, plus I have multiple of them and all have a massive range. Stand by the plant Z things for a while and collect the seeds they start to spit out. I cannot remember the exact coordinates but let me give you a walk through. It has a large array of creatures you can find that will either be passive or probably want to kill you. Start from the Ark is an extreme survival game with dinosaurs, and I will be playing on the Aberration DLC map. On the end of red zone. Also saw a blue drop a bit higher up, but you'd need to climb to it. Charge is the light that the shoulder pets of Abb give out. If a lamprey (from water in blue zone) attached to you you have some time of radiation immunity. Aberration on Ark Survival Ascended is an adventure deep underground, North Eastern Blue Entrance: Lat 46. Blue & pink zone will give you many more drops. If you use light pets, you'll want them always on, and set up in a way where any that lose charge lose it in a way that is covered by another charge light source. [1] It is also available for purchase through the season pass. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright In aberration you can either get it from trilobites or from rocks on the surface early on. Aberration ; General ; Poison spores zones Poison spores zones. Along the way, I try to tame a 120 doed, and farm for Learning aberration is learning the game. Standard resources are available. 5, 46. somehow managed to get deep into the blue zone without a problem, died because of the mushrooms and every attempt to get to my tames ended There is a cave with a surface entrance on the north east corner that has metal in it. How do I properly progress towards the red biome? I need the (complete?) hazard suit to counter radiation, I need gas balls to create and repair the hazard suit. You'll want a rock Drake to be able to dodge the reapers. Out of curiousity I went to single player Heading into the blue zone for essential tames. Supply beacons seem to show up mid-way between ground level and surface. Craft Hazard Suits (at least 3), and tame either Megalosaurus or Spino pair Aberration is an Expansion Pack for ARK: Survival Evolved. Cave entrance is located at lat 82. Use these to tame high level bulbdogs. I feel like moving a base there would be a good idea, but I'm not an expert. I Well RIP scrubs that didn't have the stones to start a new character for Aberration (or at the very least test the water with one) #4. Prime central location for easy access to Green, Blue, and Red zones. Across the daylight's flaming ground, there is a corrupted purple Obelisk among spiky and irregular rock forms. It takes a bit but can even be done in any zone where nameless spawn, like certain areas of the blue zone. The river nearby provides constant access to water and In the red zone you WILL get attacked by them without a charge light, all the time actually and unless you turn charge light on they take like 10x reduced damage. There is nothing special about this place except you can get tons of silica pearls and gems. The entire cave is in the radiation zone, so ensure you No Ankylo, head back to the veins and repeat the run. #8. They'll burrow I got lucky with my playthrough and got a max level megalo just within the blue zone quite early on, then bred it to make a small army. 2 latitude and 68. Out of curiousity I went to single player spawned in a spino and started travelling down the blue zone. Recommended Posts. There are two general ways to set up a HELP THE Blue zone ABERRATION I tamed a megalosaurus and i have no idea how to get it up from the blue zone, Please help me i am at 53 36 Last edited by BabyHippo; Jan 27, 2018 @ 2:55am < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . But beware the sun. Blue zone - requires light pets to keep "nameless" from spawning around you. gg/5JgWY4E⭐Discord - https://discord. TheWorldWonders. 4 lon 48. Bring plenty of dust and avoid fights though. If you don’t, then u get a pick and a fast ravager with weight and mine those rocks yourself. The entire map of Aberration can be traveled on foot, so there are land entrances. Expect reapers there x_X But how do you manage to even go down there? I can't seem to find a way to go from the blue biom to the red without being shredded by radiation, and to circumvent that, i first need the red gems that i get down there ^^ 3:05 Spawn 1 – 59. It was released on December 12, 2017 for PC, Xbox One and PS4 at the initial price of $19. ( I follow the metal structure from the portal all the way down) I don't know where to get black pearls or red gems from though, any help is appreciated also any other info you can throw in too thank you. Its easily the best map for it. 9, Long 89. Serangel. Attributes:. Throughout the day, the sun raises Aberration's surface temperature to such a degree Get several seeds, tame some light pets, tame your harvest dinos: anky (in blue zone), roll rat, doedic. Continuing my solo gameplay on Ark Aberration, i take my ravagers to the Blue Zone and look for metal. . There are five entrances to the surface in ARK Survival Ascended's Aberration map: three in the Green zone, one in the Blue zone, and one in the Red (Radiation) zone. Another way to bypass harvesting mushrooms is to use a haz suit in ab Upper Mushroom Forest, ran up a ramp from the lake, bareing left when it forked. Dec 14 Its entrance is located within the easier portion of the map in the northwest, marked by a fertile spore field. *If you have access to maps, enforcers make useful pre-drake. Walkways into Rad zone on aberration? So, my drake glitch decayed on legacy, meaning an admin can't replace it, and need to farm red gems to buya new one. I am using a descent crab, and have about 10-15 minutes left on my hazard suit. The player will It's mainly mushroom forest but there's an area that's like the red zone. *Tame lots of glow pets. We also cover related topics about respiratory protection Here’s how to get Red Gems on Aberration in Ark Survival Ascended. Southern edge of map. Can find blue gems, megalosaurus, polymer plants in some areas. There are a few other areas where green zone and blue zone blend in this way and you find some blue zone critters in the green zone. Coardinates: Lat 35. Mar 6, 2018 @ 6 Blue zone is easy: just have a whole mess of light pets and/or plant species Z strategically placed around your base to prevent nameless from spawning. Where to Get Green Gems in Ark Aberration? The green gems are easy to find in the green zone of Mushroom Forest. gg/tQeAWqB⭐Twitter:) - https://twit Drops can be very annoying to find In Abberation! I find the best way to get safe ones is on the boarder where the green zone meets blue. I can't find out how to get to the lower zones, I always end up running in Does anyone know a way to make sure nameless don’t spawn in ur base in the blue zone on aberration? As of right now I have about 5 light pets inside and a charge lamp set on medium outside of the base. 7, Long 33. Grow plant species Z around your base. All I have is a few ravagers so I figured to wait til I tame a spino. *Even a level ab spino is worth taming to get around. So far the map has been very The new Aberration Map is divided into four main parts: Green Zone, Blue Zone, Red Zone, and Surface. There’s a giant white crystal formation on the While you can obtain Oil using the normal method of harvesting Oil Nodes with a pickaxe or a creature like an ankylosaurus, Oil Nodes in Aberration are found on the surface or deep in the Red Zone Aberration green house in blue zone (single player) So I recently made a new base in the blue zone near the surface entrance and I make a greenhouse with the glass and all but when I put plants in the planters they all have 0% for greenhouse effect but for some reason 2 of the boxes in the corner have 300% greenhouse effect? About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright In the blue zone, you NEED to have the charge buff at all times otherwise Nameless will spawn inside your base, beneath your foundations, and if not dealt with, a wildreaper king will spawn. Along the way, I try to tame a 120 doed, and farm for I play official, saw the blue zone from a forest in the upper NE zone. There are many ways out there, but all paths lead to the same place. Keep in mind the Surface (obelisks) always have the best drops in the game and they always spawn. I know there are freezing spores there, but they aren't I went to get some rock drake eggs, got them, and am now trying to escape. 2, 65. 7, 49. Our helpful community discusses masking tips, tricks, specs, tests, hacks, and reviews. You'll need hazard suits and a fast radiation immune tame to get eggs. Felix. The first location to mine Blue Gem is in the Luminous Marshland region in Ark Aberration It seems like a good place to set up a base. Posted January 4, 2018. build harpoon gun/nets, tame megalo quickly, and use it to get reapers within the first 8 hours of a wipe. Very little aggros on them and they can juggle the things that do pretty well. BaldBudgie. 1. ) Start out using pick on stone to get basic metal. Dung beetles spawn in blue zone I will check purple/surface for oil later today and update this post if i remeber. Link to comment Share on other sites So I'm playing Aberration for the first time, currently level 53. But yeah, as the person above said, just follow the rivers to the southeast. Ad. You've got your work cut out for you. trying to play Aberration, everything was fine in the Green Zone, but when i entered the Blue Zone, all i could do was hear battle music before the game crashed, tried again later, same thing happened (playing in a sh*tty notebook that can run both these maps jsut fine: The Island, Lost Island and Ragnarok; Intel UHD Graphics, 8GB RAM, i3-10th gen) Aberration is a lot different to maps before and after it. It is able to prevent nameless spawns and also weaken Nameless and Reapers. Not so much blue zone. Alright so I’m doing my first aberration playthrough and about to get my first rock drake, but I have a very big issue on my hands. 74:40 Spawn 2 – 65. There's technically about one If you follow the main path you will get to the Aberration Zone. 8 Latitude and 27. The easiest way to find it is through the northern edge of the blue zone. By BaldBudgie, January 4, 2018 in General. After making it past and to the end of the passage, it is a vertical climb to a ledge that open to The Surface. There's a bunch of resources in Aberration that are found throughout the map, almost hidden in plain sight. #10. 1This Video provides a quick guide to finding Rock Drake E The consumables can also be gathered by interacting with the blue glowing bulbs you find in different zones of the map. I am in the rock drake nest, and apparently the region is the grave of the lost. Bulbdog , Heading into the blue zone for essential tames. 2. This article details all the effects and uses of each of these mushrooms in Visiting Abberation I've never been to Aberration and was contemplating on visiting to tame some dinos over there. Aberration All the rock drake egg spawn locations in ARK Survival ascended and how to get there with easy to follow route in ARK ASA#arkascended #arksurviva The obelisks are so horribly dangerous on Aberration. If you have a Kark and an anky you can go to the surface and do it very easily. The Surface - Northeast (Aberration) The Surface - Northwest (Aberration) The Surface - Southwest (Aberration) Because of the lack of atmosphere at the surface of Aberration, the temperature at the surface of the broken ARK varies wildly. I wan't to take a trip in the bioluminescence biome, but I wan't to be careful. The shaft is just large enough for a Rock Drake to fit through and there is space to park 3-4 drakes once through the tunnel. Aberration: Blue Zone Entrances . There are 2 good ways of dropping down onto the path / road to the Rock Drake trench. question is if i go down there, how do i get up. What also works is pissing off the roll rats. I now want to move to the blue area. By Ali Hasan 2023-09-06 2024-11-01 Share. Wear a hazard suit or a fully powered Tek suit to survive. The BEST Blue gem Locations on Aberration in ARK Ascended I will show you where to find Loads of Blue Gems EASY in the GREEN ZONE on ARK ASAClick Show More This video covers absolutely everything from the green zone to the surface, from parasaurs to reaper kings and everything in between! If you wanna know how t Type: Cliff base. youtube. In blue zone, at the natural ramp intersection over the lake, close to the platform with the many gas veins here I always get the freezing spores without being near any mushrooms. 2. Queens do not spawn naturally, and only kings spawn in the surface biom. The blue zone is actually one big area, there are multiple ways to get there. I then used these guys to adventure deeper and deeper into the blue zone, get the mats I needed for some hazard suits, then use the same group to go down into the red zone. By finnthehuman81, April 18, 2018 in I found the ones in the blue zone by the lake, now I can't get back home which is just under the portal. Trending. do a note run on island, transfer to ab, tame bulbdog, then jump straight to the blue zone to a spot I found with obsidian and little nameless. Good safe place early on for metal. For locations of resource nodes, see Resource Map (Aberration) . You can find red gems, blue gems, and green gems there. You will see lots of bats. Dive in and get advice on finding the right mask, and ensure a good seal with fit testing. wlioavfdfwbgnjdznagsoiudnzpgmywnrxlsgypgvmtfcpsfcffyxyixztkchksskzciylwdrybpz